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2016: captured & recorded


I wish I could say that more eloquently. But all caps will have to suffice, because damn.

This past year has included many vibrant memories and a few less than awesome ones. Milking cows and opportunities, climbing water towers and also volcanoes, lessons (re)learned. I worked to separate my business life from my personal life and starting this website was a huge step. I set the goal of not purchasing anything "new" and straying away from conventional consumerism. God was there, leading me with a lot of grace, per usual. I gave my first and probably last, sermon. Travel was frequent and laugher abundant.

While I have experienced some trying times over the past year, I am more aware now than ever, of the goodness and privilege that is inherent in my life. It is no secret that the world has been suffering. The ongoing Syrian civil war, the continued fight at Standing Rock of the Dakota Access Pipeline, the Black Lives Matter movement, a ludicrous presidential election, increased need for climate change intervention, the list could easily go on. My heart continues to feel for these "issues" and I continue to feel helpless. However, I choose to rest in joy and hope. I choose to fight the good fight and be involved in organizations that are changing the world. I travel to see, learn, and earn the title of global citizen. I climb mountains and gain continued appreciation for our beautiful environment. I am doing what I can and dreaming up ways to chase after joy and hope in 2017 as well.

What I desire to continue in 2017:

-mountaineering and hiking. My best gal Hailey and I are shooting to complete 40 hikes in 2017. Come explore with us!

-writing and journaling.

-purchasing clothes second hand or purchasing from companies that responsibly source their materials + have ethical business practices.

-leaning into empathy and becoming a better friend.


-praying more frequently and more intentionally

Below, I chose to highlight the special memories that made 2016 so extravagant and teaching.


My favorite tradition: snowshoeing/hiking/skiing/ into the new year. Beginning every year outside with my best friend is the perfect way to ring in the new year ahead of me.

I said adios to these fools, also knows as B^3 (bibles, brains, butts) the best bible study group to exist in bellingham, wa. When I returned from my 2 months stint in Kenya + Rwanda, Nick and Clarin had been accepted to join the Peace Corps in Swaziland, Abby was still kickin butt as Skookum Kids' main lady, Jordyn jetted off and joined the flight crew at Virgin Airlines, Evan was in the process of creating some sick designs for what would now be, Charlie and Maddy continued to be awesome and are headed off on their own African adventure next month, Britt, Steve, Jacq, and CJ began saving for a trip around the globe (for a whole year!!) and began downsizing and dreaming big. So stoked for this group of pals!

I left for Kenya on January 11th, 2016. I took this polaroid when we were leaving London, headed for Nairobi.

We arrived in Kochia, Kenya and were greeted by our new abode.

The following week, we met the fantastic girls that would make up our cohorts.

I met one the brightest souls I know: my dear Gwen. Every week when we would go to the tailor shop, Gwen would hang with this sweet little one and it warmed my heart everytime. Gwen and I connected over our love on Ben Howard, the Lumineers, shared bed time routines (aka going to bed at 8 every night), love for chipatis (fried bread) and an overall connection of kindness because she is so lovely. There was one specific night where I felt overwhelmingly lonely and frustrated and tired and I walked in our tiny house, trying to conceal the unfortunate tears. Gwen gave me the biggest hug and said "what's going on". Friendship doesn't have to be extravagant, but it should be supportive and compassionate. What would our lives look like if we continued to show up in the small moments? Ask our buds whats going on? Even if they have a big beaming smile on their face- ask about that. Love you, Gwen. Beyond thankful for your friendship!

met some more shining souls: tess (middle) and Jaime (right) and made my gals pose in front of one of my very favorite flower bushes.

Joined the fun of Abba Integrated School of Excellence! Gwen, Madison, Jaime, and I would go quite frequently and teach classes, hang with the students, talk with the teachers, and help how we could.

Our little buddy Mary. She became a giant highlight of every day for me. She loved running towards my awesome friend Maddison and would leap into her arms. Speaking of Madison: another spectacular friend who is passionate about people and kindness. Eeeep, love you big.

Said our goodbyes at Abba. tears. hugs. laughs. many of them.

smiled with our friends in town

bonded with our kenya team and laughed constantly over duuuummmbbb inside jokes. loves it!

2016: the year I learned how to milk a cow!! Why is this so difficult? Maybe that's why these exist? Thanks for the lesson, Onyoso! As weird as it sounds, I smelt like milk and honey for the next 2 days and it was oddly enjoyable. Judge me if you must.

More often than not, Gwen and I felt the need to get our adventurous jitters out and sometimes that meant climbing up the semi-rickety water tower in the backyard of our home. This view offered a 360 glance at the shores of Lake Victoria, the small village of Kochia, and out into the the other lush green villages. On our last night, we climbed on up and watched the sun slip beneath the fields as we said goodbye to Kochia. One regret: I wish we would have climbed it at night. Nighttime in the country side is stunning due to the bright stars and expansive fields. However, we couldn't leave our home after bedtime because of the guard pups that roamed the property at night.


I spent two weeks in Rwanda with the same team that I went to Kenya with It was marvelous, difficult, exhausting, inspiring, and heart breaking. We toured numerous genocide memorials and that was riveting in a haunting way. My body shivers just thinking about the feeling of being there, in the same church that hundred of people were violently murdered for their ethnicity. With the difficult came some redemption and we were blessed with some gorgeous Rwandan views at Akagera National Park.

Saw a giraffe for the first time.

annnnnd met a monkey for the first time, and hopefully for the last time... It was such a little shit. that thing chased me more than once and hungout in in our compound. One morning I woke up and it was on my windowsill, looking into my room. Needless to say, I stayed in.

Ever thought about how much effort goes into creating a woven basket? Neither do I. That is, until I watched many talented women weave these intricate and stunning baskets in Gashora, Rwanda. Quite mesmerizing.


A new home. A fresh slate. I moved into my apartment with my incredible friend/roomie and began to really feel at home in Bellingham. Glad to report that I love Bham more now than I ever have. Sad to report that I am leaving this coming March.

Business as usual began again. My bestie Jacquie turned 24! She is the birthday queeeeeen. Next year, we will be celebrating (late) in Nepal! weeewoo.

The pen and paper were brought out and the tiny home design process was in full swing. I was filled with both hope and reluctancy. "What the hell am I getting myself into???" was a common thought. It still is! Read more about the tiny home---> here.

I was given the incredible opportunity of traveling to Oahu to photgrpah the nuptuals of my friends Huyen and Duc. This trip was made even more wonderful by having Dorothy by my side for the duration of the adventure. Dorothy's friendship has been so precious to me over the past years and I am so lucky to send this time with her!


I met some guy named Brooks and he happened to be pretty damn cool and inspired a lot of adventure and learning in me. Hoping for more friends like that in 2017. We went snowshoeing up at Baker and talked about how corrupt the NFL is and it was tight.

My incredible, intelligent, insightful , inspiring best friend Annie. She graduated in May and I made the trip to Pullman weeks prior to celebrate with her and take some senior photos for her. We cuddled up and watched movies and also got drunk on a yacht... Annie is one of my greatest treasures in life. I love her oh so much and I am so thrilled for all the places she will go with her life.

Stopped to check out this radical place on my way east to see Annie.


I bought a van. I named her Ophelia after one of my favorite songs. The first adventure we took was watching the sunset and eating Ice cream with Jacquie and Jordyn.

Alley and I became more and more aware of The Big One (the major earthquake that will wreck the PNW) and we made a survival kit. It was a hilarious experience but we are hella prepared and ready to survive off sour patch kids.

Started the journey of training for mountaineering. This included bi weekly hikes at Oyster dome, a local trail 30 minutes from my apartment. Going to Oyster Dome ended up being some of my favorite moments of the week. I began listening to audio books while on the trail and it was a soothing and peaceful time for me.

Something I will always appreciate about education: good teachers. Something I will always appreciate about good teachers: sometimes they become friends. mentors. pals. etc. My friend Kelli (who was my kick ass 9th grade english teacher) and I took a rad lil' trip to Portland to see the dreamy and talented Leon Bridges in concert. We also drank yummy cocktails and had delightful conversation about the intricacies of life. Kelli is such a role model to me and I completely cherish moments like these!

Cj gradauted! and Jacquie threw a bomb party to celebrate! Proud of this guy. He is one of the most intelligent people I know- but he is so humble. Which is what makes his intelligence so great.


Hailey turned 25!!! We went to Canada to celebrate her birthday. We saw my very favorite band in concert: The Lumineers. I almost cried. We were DRENCHED by the end of it. A guy actually wrote down his number on a piece of paper (instead of putting his number in my phone) and handed it to me, AFTER he had to listen to me sing loudly in his ear for the duration of the concert. I haven't called him yet, but I am still considering it.

I joined my first CSA, ran by my dear friend Meghan! Community Supported Agriculture is necessary and amazing and I am stoked to continue it every summer and fall.

Took my first big van adventure to Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. Sleeping in Ophelia was simultaneously a wee bit scary and thrilling. I am scared of the dark, okay??

Smith Rock, OR

Visited my awesome family in Idaho! We went rafting and it was super exciting.

Tiny home planning continued!!!!!


I made this video.

Hiking continued as well and I saw so many stunning sunsets. During summer quarter, I had class every day, so my hikes were often in the evening. I would race to the top and run down the trail before the sun set over bellingham bay. I love that routine. Sometimes I would challenge myself to make it down before the Lumineers Cleopatra album finished playing (46 minutes long). It felt a bit rushed at times but also incredibly beautiful as the golden rays would stretch across the forest floor. Isn't life a bit like that, though? Rushed but beautiful.

Climbed Mount Baker!!! Read more about that ---> here.

Continued volunteering with the amazing organization Skookum Kids. So many silly and healing moments. Also hard moments. But I am learning that God is bigger and greater and will provide for these sweet kids. The girl in the picture below wanted to go get ice cream while dressed like a "pirate cheerleader". I couldn't say no!

I then climbed in honor of Skookum Kids!


Mount Adams. It has been on our list for years- and we did the damn thing! The joy that is found in climbing a mountain with your best friend in the entire world.... spectacular. You can read more about it ---> here.

Showing some Skookum love on top of Adams.

bestie Annie showed me her hive. I am so proud of her. She is the best bee mama I know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Travelled to Hawaii and shot a gorgeous wedding and went snorkeling for the first time!


...then flew to San Francisco for a wedding and ran into my marvelous friend Maddie!

Celebrated the beginning of my 23rd year in the shadow of the Tetons with my two best friends.

Witnessed Autumn take her stunning hold on Jackson, Wy.

celebrated the marriage of my dear friends Dorothy + Aaron. I had the honor of capturing their tea ceremony!

and then celebrated at their "american" wedding. hooray!


Sent our girl Haley and her hubby, Tim, off to Germany where they will spend the next few years!!! One of my longest friends. I so admire you, Haley! I hope I get to visit :) Annie is currently in Paris with her and I am so jelly. veryyyy jelly.


Once upon a time I was head over heels for a particular guy. Our relationship was the epitome of young love- passionate and naive. He was my best friend. We had an awful break up which meant saying adios to that friendship for some time. Over the years we have worked to mend that friendship, and sometimes that means seeing one of our favorite bands in concert together. I felt 18 again and it was cool.

I voted for who I hoped to be the first woman president of the United States of America. While I was team Bernie through and through, I was excited about supporting a female candidate who represented the Democratic party. Alas, here we are, with a less than fantastic option (in my humble opinion). I am reminded constantly of the Michelle Obama quote that gave me chills when I first heard it: " When they go low, we go high." I am choosing to focus on that during these times.

I have a friend named Rebecca who is a resilient and brilliant woman who I am so glad to know. We recently took a trip to Portland and found ourselves in the "self help" aisle at Powells Bookstore. I picked up this book by one of my favorite authors, Cheryl Strayed, and I melted a bit. Because sometimes words do that to your soul when they hit you at 63 mph, roaring with truth.

My dad has been teaching me how to build things. We built a couch and it was a difficult and rewarding project. I feel like I can take on the world now! I wonder what I will feel like when I complete the tiny home? hmmm...

My Mimi. Her kindness is unbearable at times. Is that even possible? Well, I think it is because she is so awesome that it makes me feel like such a loser!!!! She gifted me tickets to see James Vincent McMorrow for my birthday, and we spent the night ooooo'ing and ahhhh'ing at his stunning voice and incredible talent. We woke up the next day and laid in bed for over an hour chatting about where we were at in life. Our lives have been oh so busy, that moments like these have been few and far between for us. Which is so upsetting!!! Mimi is the type of friend who is so supportive and generous, and I love her so mucho.


Alley and I celebrated a year of living together and that ultimately meant we sent out our first holiday cards. ha!

During my winter break, i took a self proclaimed "skication". I took advantage of my Mountain Collective pass and skied Jackson Hole in Wyoming and Alta in Utah as well as places in Washington. It was DOPE. I hugged my darling friends Charlotte, The Thompson Family, Maya, and Hannah.

I have a group of friends who play a questionable and fun role in my life. It's a group of 10 guys. They are rowdy. Dumb. Brilliant. Hilarious. Rambunctious. Sometimes it feels like I have 10 brothers and sometimes I want to strangle them. I was introduced to them in high school and have been thrilled that they have kept me around for so long. They keep me young and give my liver a run for its money. I spent the last few days of 2016 at a cabin on a river with some of them and my dear friend Hannah. Always memorable

Hi, 2017. I am ready for you. Let's make some good mems.

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