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I hope you:

During our last week in Rwanda, our professors instructed us to write a letter to ourselves for 6 months down the road. They didn't tell us that they would take them, seal them up, and send them to us in the mail nearly 8months later. It was quite the surprise when i received this little white envelope in the mail, with my name scratched on the outside and a whole lot of much needed words on the inside.


Yo Shelbs-

Right at this moment, I am sitting at the bungalow #7 in Gashora, Rwanda, looking out at the lake. There is a serenity to the moment as the Lumineers are playing over your phone speaker and its as if the birds are chirping along.

While being in Kenya & Rwanda, I've felt a sense of peace that I have had yet to feel in my every day lie. Life here has been slow but stead- beautiful but messy. The dynamic is something i've searched for, for a long while.

I've pushed myself beyond measure and learned a ton while being here. Specifically, i've learned about love and generosity, humility and tenacity. Patience has been in the mix too, that is for sure. I sincerely hope you continue to practice these traits as you move about your busy life in pursuit of your wildest dreams and every day moment

You're currently most likely in Hawaii- or traveling somewhere. I hope you take a second to take a deep breath and realize that work is not THAT important; life will continue on, with or without emails and client meetings and editing and all that rubish.

I have a few hopes and goals for you. Take this as a swift reminder from your heart that has been in a pure place that has seemingly aligned with the person you have always wanted to be. That being said, if you have already accomplished them, great.

But, anyways, I hope you:

1. Are still pursuing a geography minor.

2. You're still chasing after that tiny house dream.

3. God is still present in your life and leading you, and that you would continue to be a voice for women in the church and for Gods people.

4. Eat more ice cream. Take time to breathe and disconnect.

6. Summited mount Adams with Hailey and Cannon this past summer.

7. Please, please pursue kindness and LOVE in everything you do.

8. Tell people the truth. When someone hurts you; tell 'em. When they didn't give you the extra sprinkles on your ice cream cone that you asked for- TELL 'EM. Tell the truth. Even if it is that cute guy you've had a crush on for awhile. Whether you drunkenly spill the beans or be honest with yourself and tell yourself to just give it up. If you have not done anything about this: do. it. now. Things take time but you also need to grow a pair. or something. I hate that I just wrote that.

Okay, class is beginning again.

I hope you are strong.

Because you are.

Love to you, pal,



So how have I been doing on these "goals"? Um, alright. I think so, at least. I am thankful that my life is filled with cool things and cool opportunities to pursue the goals I set for myself.

Yeah, I summited Adams, i'm chasing the tiny house dream.

Geography is kicking my ass and is harder than I imagined.

I haven't had ice cream in 27 days. Probably the longest I have gone since I was a wee one.

I have been trying to be loving and kind and seek God in all things, but these are hard things. Yeah, I admit it.

Telling people the truth? Meh. Working on it!

This letter exercise was fascinating but filled with simplicity. So, my dare to you, whoever is reading this: Write yourself a note. A novel. A page. A scribble. A text? I don't know. Write yourself SOMETHING to remind you that you are doing okay. That you want to succeed in the future. Write a letter to your future child or to your parents. Better yet, send someone a little snail mail.

When I was in Kenya, I was worried my friends would forget about me (lol) so I had my parents send out pre-written and pre stamped envelops every other week to my close friends. My gals got valentines day cards. Some got encouragement to buy a ticket to that place they have wanted to go, or to enjoy the day that they are having. Others got a wish for good luck on mid term exams, etc. Power can be found in words, and so can hope.

Annnnd in conclusion, If you give me your address, I will write you a letter! Pinky swear.


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