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India // Thursday in a list

…my day in a list

-Woke up with a heavy heart

-Shook Annie up

-consumed 2 bowls of porridge

-tried to convince Annie she should rest and tae the day off

-discussed a quick lesson

-washed my hair with frigid water

-marveled in Annies ability to get up and go to work, despite being so weak

-slowly walked to work

-told the students it was ANNIE"s last day

-witnessed student' frustration as they learned a difficult lesson

-beamed at the fact they were trying their best

-broke out the camera to get some last pictures with Annie and our students

-walked to Mitas with wilma, another volunteer. Witnessed our waiter pee on the side of the road moments before we were seated. No wonder we are sick…

-Ordered loads of naan

-relaxed for an hour

-strolled back to work so Annie could say goodbye once more to the afternoon class

-many hugs were given

-smiled as a man on the street assisted us in getting a cheap rickshaw to the Lotus Temple.

-laughed at the fact we don't speak any hindi, but should

-arrived at the temple and gasped at its beauty

-walked around the grounds and oiled the line to go inside

-held Annie's hand as we prayed silently in the marble building

-caught a sketchy rickshaw back to our house (what's new?)

-felt a piece of my heart break as two children looked me in the eye and asked for a rupee

-drove over rocks and sticks, puddles and mud

-fell in my bed and took a nap upon arriving home.

-helped Annie gather her things before se left for her flight at 7.

-Embraced my wonderful and courageous travel buddy as she left for the airport

-almost shed a tear

-Went to the fanciest dinner I have been to in Delhi with 12 Girls before they left for home, Mumbai, and Jaipur.

-Forgot to take my malaria pill

-but then took it because I was thinking about Annie reminding me to take it

-tossed and turned and kept glancing at the empty bed next to me

-Missed Annie some more

-dreamt of home and a fresh salad from my little garden in my back yard.

-counted the number of days on my fingers

3. More. Days.

Wow. I already want to come back.

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